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Matters needing attention in the use of wall coverings

By admin / Date Aug 17,2022
1. The room after the wall covering has been installed should close the doors and windows and dry it in the shade. Immediate ventilation in the room where the wall covering has just been laid will cause the wall covering to warp and bulge.
2. After three days after the wall covering is installed, gently wipe off the residual wall covering glue at the joints of the wall covering with a damp towel.
3. The wall cloth is more resistant to scrubbing, but it is not resistant to the bump of blunt objects. If a small surface damage is found, it can be remedied with similar color pigments or paints.
4. Non-concave-convex wall coverings, you only need to use chicken feather sheets to clean them every day.
Generally, the color of the bedroom is best to be warmer and softer to facilitate rest. If the color of the furniture is heavy, the color of the wall should be very light; if the color of the furniture is light, the wall should be set off with a color similar to the color of the furniture. The color of the newlywed's bedroom can be festive at 1 point, soft and warm at 1 point, and warm at 1 point. The color of the best curtains is close to the color of the wall covering, and cold colors must be avoided.

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